Agios (Saint) Antonios Church (old)

In Spilia village there are two churches of Agios Antonios, the old and the new ones. The old one was built in 1850 and the new one in 1970. The two churches are next to each other, on a hill overlooking Spilia village.

The old church of Agios Antonios is stone-built, one-aisled with stone arches supporting a wooden roof. Next to its western door there is a towering pine birch. Between its two arches, hangs the bell. It is the original bell tower of the church.

The church’s iconostasis was made with pine wood, but the altar entrance doors were of exceptional art, illustrated and apparently brought from another church. The conservator of ancient icons, Christos Karis, dates them back to the 16th century. Some residents claim that the doors come from one of the many churches in the mountains and valleys from Spilia to Asinou. All the testimonies convince us that these churches are indeed of the 16th century. Another testimony says that in the western entrance of the village of Spilia there was a church of Agios Ioannis. Perhaps the altar doors belonged to this church.

The temple of Agios Antonios was not frescoed. There are only a few areas that have traces of frescoes.


