Arbutus Andrachne (Greek strawberry tree)
A very common shrub of the forests of Cyprus. Also called Koumaria. English-speaking people call it the Greek Strawberry Tree, because its fruit look like small strawberries. These red fruits are an attractive food for birds living in the forest.
It’s fruit is edible and in Greece, it is used for the production of tsipouro or liqueurs. Since antiquity it is also known as a medicinal plant. Hippocrates used it against thrombosis, which is still used today. It is also considered antiseptic and diuretic.
The Greek strawberry tree is a very beautiful shrub that reaches 3-4 meters. It grows at an altitude of 600-1500 meters and is very common in the mountains of Troodos. It is evergreen with a red hard trunk and leaves (3-4 cm wide and 5-7 cm long), deep green and slightly fleshy, making it great food for goats and rabbits. It is also quite resistant to drought and, if burned, its deep rhizome allows it to re-grow very soon. Its hard wood is very good as a fuel for fireplaces and was also used to make charcoal and spoons.
Flora - Fauna
On small stretches we find other species, such as cypress trees (Cupressus sempervirens). It is a tree that reaches a height of 30 meters and is a shape of an obelisk. The bark of the tree is divided into stripes that fall apart and fall. Its leaves ar
Cyprus Cedar
In small areas there are other species such as Cedrus brevifolia and Cupressus sempervirens. It is known from antiquity and is mentioned by Theophrastus and Pliny the Elder as a very important forest tree of that time. The Cypriot cedar is one of four
Fenced Area with Moufflons (Platania Excursion Area)
Next to the Platania Excursion area, one can admire the wild, Moufflon of Cyprus in a specially fenced area. The Moufflon (Ovis orientalis ophion) is the largest land mammal and an endemic species of Cyprus and is rightly described as the most importan
Juniperus phoenicea (Juniper Tree)
At lower altitudes one will find the Maquis forests, one of the predominant species is the Juniper tree (Juniperus phoenicea). Restricted to the area of Troodos, in regions with an altitude of 1000 to 1950 m (Prodromos, Kryos Potamos, Chionistra, Alm