Berberis Cretica (Cretan Barberry)
Berberis cretica is a deciduous shrub that reaches a height of 1 m. It is found in the Troodos Mountains at quite large altitudes. It carries obovate leaves and yellow pleasantly smelling flowers. Its fruits are dark berries that mature at the end of summer or autumn; they are edible but very acidic and rich in vitamin C.
The roots of the plant contain berberine, a pigment used to dye fabrics. It has great ornamental value, due mainly to its red foliage. The Barberry originated from Asian and European countries and is native to Spain. The Berberis genus includes about 600 species of evergreen and deciduous shrubs.
The Troodos mountains are covered with forests with unique natural beauties. The plant species living in the Troodos forest are more than 750. Among the 72 endemics of Cyprus, of which 12 live exclusively in the Park and nowhere else on the planet.
Most of the Troodos forest was declared in 1992 at National Forest Park. The purpose of the declaration is to preserve and properly exploit its valuable functions and values: ecological, scientific, hydrological, recreational and tourist.
Flora - Fauna
Pinus Nigra (Black Pine)
At the highest altitudes of Troodos, the black pine or (Pinus nigra ssp. Pallasiana) overlooks the forest. The extent of the forest according to the latest inventory of the Department of Forests amounts to 4,976 hectares. The Black pine is a large ever
Pistacia Lentiscus (Mastic Tree)
At the lower altitudes of Troodos we find the Pintacia lentiscus. The Mastic tree is an evergreen, aromatic, resinous bush or small tree, up to 5 m high, with a smooth and usually grayish cortex. The leaves are arranged alternately, composite, winged,
Platanus (Plane Tree)
In large rivers, one of the predominant species is Platanus orientalis. It is a large tree and can live thousands of years. This genus includes about 10 species of large and long-lived, deciduous trees, reaching a height of 50 meters. and are particula
Quercus Alnifolia (Golden Oak)
Of the shrubs, at the middle and higher altitudes, common species is the endemic quark (Quercus alnifolia) that forms pure forests or is found along with the pine. The shrub is a class of plants that do not have a central trunk, their height is up to t