Frescoes of the Panagia Moutoulla Church

All the frescoes of the Sacred Step and the main temple date back to 1280, when the temple was built. They are distinguished by their linear austerity, the limited color scale and the bad proportions of the figures. The bodies are dull, the heads disproportionate to the bodies, the eyes wide open with the daughter pointed. The painter is unknown, but his style shows the effects of Byzantine models of the 12th century. and modern western painting.

The pictorial program has several originals, such as the representation of the military horse rider Ayios Christoforos, the adjective “THE KAPPADOS” in the image of the saint of Agios Georgios, the two coiled upright snakes in the performance of Annunciation and others. The image of the Seven Sleeping Children of Ephesus on the eastern side of the north outer wall is unique in Cyprus.

In December 1985 the church of Panagia Moutoulla was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Frescoes - Icons
