Olea Europaea (Wild Olive Tree)
At lower altitudes dominate the Maquis forests, with several dominant species, one of which is the Olea europaea.
The Wild Olive tree is a long-living bush, essentially immortal. It has many branches, that get twisted, which, when dried, create new secondary shoots from the base and keeps growing, thus, the tree continues its life. Its leaves are small, short, oval, with a dark green on top and silver-white underneath. The silver color at the bottom of the olive leaf is due to the large number of multi-cellular blemishes present in the lower epidermis. Its fruit are small black olives that produce excellent quality oil. It is the famous ‘Agriolado’ (Wild Olive oil), used in folk medicine as a medicine, on the skin and for other diseases.
The history of the Olive Tree is as old as the history of organized human societies. There are innumerable written sources, traditions, myths, excavation data, etc. proving the relationship of the Olive Tree with the history of man on Earth. Ancient Greeks regarded the olive as a symbol of glory and victory, which is why the Olympians were crowned with a wreath made from wild olive branches called a ‘Kallistefano’.
Flora - Fauna
Alnus Orientalis (Oriental Alder)
In large river areas, another predominant species is the Alnus orientalis. It is a deciduous tree, short-lived, with a narrow crown and a height of 20 m. Its trunk is covered with a grayish bark with vertical slits. The leaves are simple, ovate or elon
Arbutus Andrachne (Greek strawberry tree)
A very common shrub of the forests of Cyprus. Also called Koumaria. English-speaking people call it the Greek Strawberry Tree, because its fruit look like small strawberries. These red fruits are an attractive food for birds living in the forest. It’s
Berberis Cretica (Cretan Barberry)
Berberis cretica is a deciduous shrub that reaches a height of 1 m. It is found in the Troodos Mountains at quite large altitudes. It carries obovate leaves and yellow pleasantly smelling flowers. Its fruits are dark berries that mature at the end of s
Ceratonia Silique (Carob Tree)
At the lower altitudes of Troodos prevails the Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua). The carob tree is a medium-sized tree, which can grow up to 10 meters tall, with mostly sparse vegetation, spherical and strong shoots with a rough bark. The leaves are comp