The A.G. Leventis Troodos Botanical Gardens
These botanical gardens were created by the Department of Forests at the edge of the asbestos mining region. Built on the Troodos National Forest Park land, at an altitude of about 1400m, it was named after the Anastasios Leventis Foundation. The Foundation contributed a considerable amount of money (exceeding €350,000) towards the creation of the Garden.
The creation of the Garden began in 2004 with the restoration of the old primary school, to be used as its Visitors’ Centre and offices. The Visitor Centre includes a reception area, exhibit hall, a screening and lecture hall, Troodos plant herbarium, a small shop with floral books and a student classroom area.
The area of the gardens ranges from the width of the entire mountain range of Troodos and includes both indigenous to the Troodos region and selected alpine and cultivated plants. The full development of the Garden will require another 5 years and in its final form will include the following sections:
- Endemic plants of Troodos.
- Garden and Fragrant Plants
- A selection of trees and shrubs – Arboretum.
- Agricultural plants of the Troodos mountain region.
- Endangered and rare species. (conservation section)
- Special indigenous and habitat types of Troodos.
- Designated spaces for rare and vulnerable species remediation in nature, in case of damage or loss due to fires, climate change or other causes. This section will consist of the processing area, the dehydration area and the freezer compartment (-200C).
Flora - Fauna
Alnus Orientalis (Oriental Alder)
In large river areas, another predominant species is the Alnus orientalis. It is a deciduous tree, short-lived, with a narrow crown and a height of 20 m. Its trunk is covered with a grayish bark with vertical slits. The leaves are simple, ovate or elon
Arbutus Andrachne (Greek strawberry tree)
A very common shrub of the forests of Cyprus. Also called Koumaria. English-speaking people call it the Greek Strawberry Tree, because its fruit look like small strawberries. These red fruits are an attractive food for birds living in the forest. It’s
Berberis Cretica (Cretan Barberry)
Berberis cretica is a deciduous shrub that reaches a height of 1 m. It is found in the Troodos Mountains at quite large altitudes. It carries obovate leaves and yellow pleasantly smelling flowers. Its fruits are dark berries that mature at the end of s
Ceratonia Silique (Carob Tree)
At the lower altitudes of Troodos prevails the Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua). The carob tree is a medium-sized tree, which can grow up to 10 meters tall, with mostly sparse vegetation, spherical and strong shoots with a rough bark. The leaves are comp